epub, pdf |eng | | Author:Aaron Ben-Ze'ev

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. WILLIAM JAMES Unlike the two previous methods of choosing a romantic partner, this way takes into account ...
( Category: Social Philosophy June 30,2019 )
epub, azw3 |eng | 2018-07-02 | Author:Xanet Pailet [Pailet, Xanet]

My Period Betrayed Me: Bethany’s Story “I was fourteen years old, and my mom had finally relented and let me shop downtown all by myself. I felt an immense amount ...
( Category: LGBT June 18,2019 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2010-06-02 | Author:Sandra Pertot

KEY CONCEPTS MEANING: For you, carrying out the specific behavioral routine is not primarily about the expression of love or emotional connection (although that may be part of your desire), ...
( Category: Love & Romance June 13,2019 )
epub |eng | 2017-12-26 | Author:Christopher Canwell [Canwell, Christopher]

MAINTAIN MYSTERY It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit. — Antoine Rivarol When you first meet a woman, it’s tempting to open up and tell ...
( Category: Dating May 27,2019 )
epub |eng | 2017-04-30 | Author:Mike Lousada

YOUR BODY CARRIES YOUR STORY Another way to experience the world through your body, and to fully own it, is to know that your body carries your history. Every experience ...
( Category: Sexuality May 19,2019 )
epub |eng | 2008-05-12 | Author:Victoria Zdrok;

Words have a place, but too much talk will generally break the spell, heightening surface differences and weighing things down. People who talk a lot most often talk about themselves. ...
( Category: Sexuality May 12,2019 )
azw3, pdf |eng | 2004-08-03 | Author:Leonard Shlain [Shlain, Leonard]

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever, One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never. Though female mendacity poses a similar ...
( Category: Sexuality May 3,2019 )
epub |eng | 2019-03-29 | Author:David M Buss [Buss, David M]

Costs were measured on a 7-point scale by independent raters. Figure 9.2 Distribution of Charity Offers in Public and Anonymous Groups as a Function of the Perceived Cost of the ...
( Category: Evolutionary Psychology April 29,2019 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2012-05-15 | Author:Jill P. Weber [Weber, Jill P.]

Decision Tree: Should You Bring up an Issue with a Partner? This is a decision tree with items for you to consider when you are unsure whether it is in ...
( Category: Sexuality April 27,2019 )
epub |eng | | Author:Karen Dolby [Dolby, Karen]

THE ULTIMATE ACCESSORY Just as French was the language of court in many countries across Europe, so French tastes in fashion, style, art and architecture dominated from the Middle Ages. ...
( Category: Sexuality April 27,2019 )
epub |eng | 2016-06-06 | Author:Pat Califia [PAT CALIFIA]

NOTES 1. Leidholdt, Dorchen. “Lesbian S/M: Sexual Radicalism or Reaction.” New Women’s Times, July/August 1982, 17. 2. Herlihy, Sean. “Porn Debate Continues: Dorchen vs. Civil Liberties Union.” Gay Community News, ...
( Category: LGBT April 20,2019 )
epub |eng | 2016-04-08 | Author:Heidi Priebe [Priebe, Heidi]

15 Read This If You Feel Like It’s Taking You Too Long To Move On Everybody seems to have a different rule about how long it should take you to ...
( Category: Divorce March 23,2019 )
epub |eng | 2015-01-19 | Author:Martha Kempner [Kempner, Martha]

How Good Is Withdrawal at Preventing Pregnancy? Our apologies as we have gone over this before, but we think it is very important that everyone understands how contraceptive effectiveness rates ...
( Category: Sexuality March 23,2019 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Marty Klein, Ph.D. [Marty Klein, Ph.D.]

Understanding this historical pattern enables us to look beyond the specifics of the attacks on the Internet, seeing today’s battle over the Internet as part of a long series of ...
( Category: Sexuality March 23,2019 )
epub |eng | 2007-03-07 | Author:Peggy Reeves Sanday

When a man has many partners, he is not only admired by other men, but he believes that women will think he is an incredible lover. Many men get bothered ...
( Category: Sexuality March 8,2019 )